face|off terjemahan Cina
- face the nation: 面对国家
- funny face: 甜姐儿 (1957年美国电影)
- in the face of demolition: 危楼春晓
- the face reader: 观相
- the face shop: 菲诗小舖
- the king's face: 王的面孔
- the north face: 北面 (品牌)
- filem funny face: 甜姐儿 (1957年美国电影)
- galle face green: 加勒菲斯绿地
- happy face entertainment: happy face娛乐
- happy face娛乐: happy face entertainment
- teknik door-in-the-face: 以退为进法
- off-broadway: 外百老汇
- off-line: 通过事后
- pull-off: 憩息处